How did I not know this? Our guy Max Vangeli has teamed up with Eric Francis from New York to create this dynamic duo of great music. At first, I was a dummy and thought Max just came up with another alias. I should have figured like the big dummy I am and realized this is another awesome duo. You better know them as Galactic Marvl. Guess what? These two can do no wrong in my eyes. They could smash a keyboard on each other’s head, call it a hit, and I probably would believe them. Although, this is much more fine tuned than head smashing keyboard music. His latest album, Hello My Friends has been on repeat in my car and apartment for sometime now. There is something on this album for everyone and all of it is for me. There are a number of tracks on there that can easily be my favorite, so get some free time, and check out this album ASAP!