In the newest installment of “Catch a New Wav,” we sit with talented DJ/Producer, Eko Zu.
Eko Zu tells us that Eko Zu is part of all of us, a reflection of our duality. The division between mind over matter, and our monkey brains— the difference between Seagulls flying over the Sea, and Bagels flying over the Bay. Formed in 2015 as a trio, two of the band members departed in 2019, rarefying the group down to Ian Hicks, a Producer/DJ and former FOH sound engineer for Bassnectar, The Glitch Mob, and Big Wild. Drawing from the pioneers he worked with, Eko Zu is now an ever evolving collective of creatives forming a fun, high energy, and deep experience through music. Frequently featuring live performances in his DJ sets, from singers and guitar players, to flow-artists and dancers, Eko Zu brings out a wild and melodic new side of Bass music.
We sit down to learn a bit more about Eko Zu.
Q: Who are some of your musical influences?
A: I’m hugely inspired specifically by the artists that I’ve been fortunate to tour with, including Bassnectar, The Glitch Mob, and Big Wild. Lately, I’ve been jamming to a lot of Quix, Boombox Cartel, and Eliminate. Some of my early influences would have to be 65daysofstatic, Refused, the Hybrid Theory album by Linkin Park…with roots from punk rock!
Q: What’s your favorite part about being a musician?
A: I would say that my favorite parts are sharing the energy of the crowd, connecting with fans who are moved by the music, bringing people together and watching the sparks fly.
Q: Who is somebody you always wanted to work with?
A: I would love to work with Alina Baraz. Her voice is captivating in such a beautiful way, her Urban Flora EP with Galimatias changed the game.
Q: To date, what’s your most memorable music moment?
A: Among one of my favorite moments would be the AbunDance Halloween in 2019, in LA. The DJ playing before me had flight complications, so I had to put together a double-length set at the last minute. It turned out to be one of the most fun nights that I’ve had onstage. The audience was super receptive to the guest vocalists that I featured (Will Champlin, MC Dre, and Lei), and were open to different styles, so it was amazing.
Q: What does the immediate future hold for you in your artistic career?
A: I wil be cranking out some new tunes! I have a new release coming on Westwood X on April 21, Dose of the Darkside feat. Will Champlin! Also a collab with DnB legends Bachelors of Science as well as a remix for Tortured Soul. I am also creating tutorial videos for Ableton and UAD in addition to a couple other surprises that I’ll share as soon as they’re ready!
Enjoy a recent release from him below and follow him on Instagram.