It brings me great pleasure to write this article and I’m not talking about because I’m writing this in the comforts of my own bed. Today, December 17th, 2014, we crossed a milestone here at EDM Assassin. This past week, we broke 2,000 posts and that is very impressive to us! This record goes well with the holidays as well as preparing for the new year. With this post, I wanted to take time to reflect, show my gratitude, and do a little bit of teasing.
When I took over the site back in November 19th, 2013, I did not quite understand the potential of what I had on my hands. I was a fan from my experiences at Life in Color and Ultra Music Festival, but I wasn’t clear on the culture and lifestyle. Over the past year or so, I quickly learned how deep the rabbit hole goes and as of now, I still feel as if I have not scratched the surface.
The people I have met through this site is absolutely incredible. You all are so nice. There were times that I questioned what I am doing and if the effort I put into the site. I won’t deny that. Although, seeing fans on different outlets of social media is truly what propels me to continue and work harder than ever. I don’t mean to humble brag, but I feel accomplished after having those in the industry follow the site through our different social media accounts as well as those whom I follow myself. That’s a crazy feeling. The lovely messages telling me that you are a fan and enjoy what I do really is touching.
While I have tried to remain anonymous, there were times that I have come out from the shadows and met some artists and fans. Those experiences were quite amazing. Being able to talk through different forms of social outlets, but finally meeting is awesome. I got to watch different shows that blew me away with their performances. The discussions I have had were quite invigorating. Every time was just as great as the last. There is no way that I would be able to rank them.
It is understandable that everyone is trying to make it in the industry. I don’t mind that as I signed up for this and it is essentially my job. I realize that I tend to have a huge backlog of submitted songs. When I came up with the idea of accepting music and reviewing it, I had no comprehension of what to expect. I can say that I had not planned for the amount that I was soon to receive. It is outstanding the effort and quality of the music that has been submitted by people of all ages trying to become the next big thing. I commend those who have submitted music as I have loved just about all of it. I’ve always understood that you can either provide quality or quantity, but not both. Although, some of you defy that logic with the constant music sent over. As I continue to promise, I shall get through the backlog of music despite being late.
To those I have developed relationships with, you are awesome. The communities and the EDM Families, you truly have helped develop what we are today and what we have become. You all are the definition what we try to embody and live. Whether or not you believe in the term PLUR or think it is dead, I would like to think that it is still there and these families (as well of those who make up the families). I feel as if we are connected throughout the country and even the world. That feeling is the best. I hope to keep it up and strengthen the feeling and connection.
To the artists that continue interacting with us as well as those who make the impressive music, please don’t stop. I find out talks however long or short to be very fascinating. It is great to hear the perspective of those who are producing or DJing as you essentially control emotions of individuals when performing. Your music makes people feel different things. To share that is an honor. I don’t like to value one artist over another. I love the up-and-coming artist just as much as those signed to a label. Being able to interact with both is a privilege that I continually cherish.
To the promotion companies, I want to say that I am extremely thankful for what you do. To allow us to create contests so people can go to your shows is so much fun. Seeing people trying to get these tickets is a thrill. I do not mind what-so-ever promoting your shows as they are artists that people want to see and events people want to attend. The fact that there is a huge demand shows the quality shows you help create. It is a testament to everything you do and to share that with others is great.
Out of everyone that I am thankful for, I am most thankful for those who have helped EDM Assassin out in any way possible. A big thank you goes to Tim who has stuck by us through our insane schedules to put out some quality articles and such. Tim has been amazing and continues to be. That goes to say, we have gained and lost people along our journey. Each one of them played an important role to where we are at today. From the podcasts to the events, I appreciate it beyond what you may imagine.
The future, 2015, and beyond has a lot in store for us and everyone else. We are working hard to make this site bigger and better. We’re looking at new ways to improve and we have tentative plans for change. Unfortunately, we don’t want to spoil anything because we don’t want to set up expectations. This is where we hope to surprise you and impress you. That is what we care about most. That said, I didn’t expect to post this on Christmas, but I think it is for the best.
We want to wish you a Merry Christmas, a (belated) Happy Hanukkah, a Happy Kwanzaa, a Happy Holidays from our EDM Assassin family to yours.