There’s a new artist to watch! The first question we need to ask isn’t what sub-genre of music he makes… it’s if he finished all of his homework. Aiden Jude, a 10 year old DJ and producer in New York, is clearly talking the talk; the headlines, the typical leather jacket and high top donning black and white photo shoot, and the high-tech single artwork. However, can this young DJ walk the walk? He’s only been walking for less than a decade himself, after all.
Aiden’s debut single ‘Tonight’ nullifies and preconceived judgments about him. The song is great. Granted, it sounds a lot like ‘Animals’ by Martin Garrix, the instrumental is professional sounding like any proper dance track should be. It also features decent female vocals, but the vocalist is not named. This song is worth a listen. After all, the buzz surrounding this kid will live on for a while.
Is Aiden Jude too young for this type of career? Do you think this is one of the coolest things you’ve seen on the Internet today? We want your opinions!