It may be near impossible to see every single DJ set with the immense lineup at Ultra Music Festival. However, there is no denying that Ultra LIVE did a great job of covering several amazing DJ sets over the three days of the festival. Now that it’s Monday and everyone needs an excuse to avoid […]
CAWFEE RUN ft. Vanilla Mocha Frappuccino with ice
Another coffee run! Unfortunately, it isn’t in the Purrari, but Deadmau5 was in Miami when he decided to have plenty of coffee runs! He rented a Ferarri and off he went. The first one he has released is with famous rapper turned house flipper, Vanilla Ice. This is the first video that features Deadmau5 on […]
Ultra shows lack of female acts in EDM, should increase over next decade
PHOTO: Icona Pop meets up and hugs it out with Rebecca & Fiona. In its 16 years, Ultra Music Festival has become legendary for its ability in bringing together a lineup of nearly every single big name in the dance music scene in one place for one weekend. That’s why it has prestige in the […]
EDC Vegas Live Stream is Very Possible This Year
Now that Ultra has come and gone, festival season has truly begun! Ultra Music Festival proved that a live stream was extremely clutch for involving people around the world. Ultra was trending on every social network. Artists were trending as well. I don’t doubt that the advertising dollars from YouTube were bad either. It is […]
deadmau5 brings comedy to Ultra’s Main Stage
Deadmau5 sure knows how to strike up the laughs. We’ve seen some intense sets, some dramatic sets, and yes, of course, the wild sets. However, when was the last time we have witnessed a set that incorporated comedy? Our man Joel came through in this department on Saturday night as the headliner fill-in for Avicii, […]