In this installment of “Catch A New Wav,” we interview the talented producer, Demur.
Bass-artist Demur is a talented musician that embraces opposing views and edgy satire, seemingly sharing just as much attention-grabbing content and social posts as he does music. His most recent release is “Fight No Longer” features distressed, gritty vocals layered on a rough, quasi-rock influenced instrumental backdrop that comes together gracefully in this well-arranged, hard-hitting single. Equipped with multiple albums worth of singles, you can bet this isn’t the last time we’re hearing from Demur.
We learn a bit more about him.
Q: Who are some of your musical influences?
A: Some of my influences include The Prodigy, Daft Punk; and, believe it or not, good ‘ol John Denver.
Q: What’s your favorite part about being a musician?
A: Wow, this is a serious question, I can take a crack at it. I think some of the advantages are being able to live a totally free creative existence. You can portray any emotions through sound and all your feelings at a certain given point in your life can be translated from your mind to a piece of work that will live on forever. It’s really an incredible thing.
Q: Who is somebody you always wanted to work with?
A: I would say the recently deceased Keith Flint from The Prodigy. Rest in peace.
Q: To date, what’s your most memorable music moment?
A: I’ve had quite a few in past artist projects but I’d say for Demur, having my first original release getting written up in Billboard was an amazing feeling.
Q: What does the immediate future hold for you in your artistic career?
A: I’ll tell you for sure what it doesn’t hold is live shows haha. The future holds the release of three new albums that I’ve finished and they will be coming out over the next year with the first being the “Reckless Behavior” EP, which we’re releasing in pieces.
Enjoy his latest release below and follow him here.