Daynim, a melody-weaving sorcerer of sound, unravels their enchanting mantra of individuality, aptly named ‘Glossy Lips.’ This tune stands as the crowning jewel from their feverishly awaited sophomore album, ‘PSSST!’ It dares to transpose listeners into the heart of an idyllic scene, plucked straight from an archetypal romantic comedy set in high school.
In a world ripe for self-discovery, Daynim fuels the flames of self-expression and conviction, casting an invigorating aura through their exuberant dynamism. ‘Glossy Lips’ tangos with present-day androgynous fashion cues, weaving them effortlessly into its auditory tapestry.
Drawing from the deep wells of the 2020s hiphop aesthetic, the single drenches itself in potent beats, spellbinding synth bass lines, and unforgettable moments. Daynim’s artistic style seeps through, knitting together strains of RnB, Hip Hop, and Pop, resulting in a genre-melding harmony that’s distinctly their own.
Their evolutionary craft and narrative prowess are illuminated brilliantly within ‘Glossy Lips,’ which serves as a symbol to their artistic growth. Accompanying this anthem, Daynim is set to release a visually arresting music video that echoes the song’s narrative rhythm.
This video underscores the band’s imaginative vigor and meticulous care for details, bursting at the seams with fashion-forward visuals that pulse with life.