A last.fm scrobbling report has been released with data for the July 2012 – July 2013 tracking period. Last.fm’s results are pretty astonishing, and they ironically contrast with the typical views of the music landscape in modern day America. Be prepared for shock!
Per Last.fm, the average number of Hip Hop listeners dropped from 7,000 in 2012 to 2,000 through July 2013, a 78% drop. Last.fm data shows that for the same periods, EDM as a total genre increased from 92,000 to 266,000, a 190% increase.
That’s pretty shocking! Who knew that music listeners (at least on the Last.fm service) are rapidly losing interest in hip-hop while even more dramatically gaining interest in EDM? Those are some pretty cool stats right there. Results have also come in showing that EDM festivals draw greater revenue than festivals for any other music genre.
The EDM market is a $15.0 to $20.0 billion global industry, with the major players in the global festival market achieving $4.5 billionĀ in sales for 2012.
How crazy is that? You can read more info about studies on the rise of the EDM genre below:
Electronic Dance Music (EDM): The Digital Panagea