Moistbreezy has been on our radar for quite a long time. We have been really enjoying her music for sometime as she really has a diverse approach to music that gives her an eclectic discography that is full of amazing tracks. Her latest EP, Miss Me is easily some of my favorite music by her yet. I have been listening to the four tracks for a bit now and they’re all incredible. If I had to choose one, which I hate to do, would be “F A B U L O U S.” Her vocals and her production skills have really set her apart as quite the artist!
There is one thing that really takes this EP to a whole new level. It is for purchase. I highly implore you to buy a copy as 100% of the donations will be donated to Planned Parenthood! Much respect for Moistbreezy for doing this. If you’d like to make your own donation, that would be fantastic! Check out her EP and be sure to purchase it now!
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