Sofie Letitre is breathing new life into bass music with her moody and archaic style, and the recent Take To Heels Remix EP yielded quite a few unique and unexpected takes on her music. One of the most unique and catchy of these was ZES’ remake of I’ll Be Fine, which embodies much of Sofie Letitre’s style, except with a drop that’s as catchy as it is understated. Most of the song is dedicated to textures and allowing Sofie’s haunting vocals to shine through, but that doesn’t stop ZES from showing his skillĀ atĀ the same time.
His ability to combine dark, moody bass with a Trap style beat and also incorporate Sofie Letitre’s vocals across the song goes to show that ZES is well and truly ready to hit the big time, and we can all but hope that he does. Give his remix of I’ll Be Fine a listen below, and make sure to check out the other remixes here too.
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