This remix pack was recently sent to me by the peeps over at Tommy Boy because they know what tracks really get me hyped. Township Rebellion is a trio that does absolute work in the studio. Their latest track, “Expression” has been a track I’ve been playing for a bit now (on the DL). Really have been grooving hard to it. With the original came along the remixes to accompany it.
This is one remix pack where I can say I love each version because how different they all are. While they are remixes, they stray so far away from the original for the most part which is what I consider to be the best type of remixes. HRRSN, Danny Espinal, No Rules, and Yannick all bring their unique styles to the table. With that, they’re all so different from each other that I love them all. Check them all out and let me know which you enjoy! Buy it on iTunes here!
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