is flexing her techno skillset via this new EP that you don’t want to sleep on. It’s called The Back Beat, releasing on Eclipse Red label on July 21st. Oozing with engaging moments and an undeniable dystopian feeling, the EP hits all the right pleasure centers that you would want from techno. This EP […] – Prisms EP’s Prisms is a wild ride into her world. An immersive experience that props up the beauty of geometry, natural structures, trippy beats, and such much more. The solo DJ/producer knows how to think outside the box and it pays off whole-heartly – there are few who can touch the type of sounds that […] – Solar Waves EP is able to well-articulate a specific musical space that’s all her own. Embracing elements of house and plenty of real-world sounds blended in, she presents Solar Waves. The EP is 2 tracks long and contains a couple different moods that make a lasting impact on those who give it a chance. Starting off is […]